Welcome to The A453 Churches of South Nottinghamshire in the Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

Tel: 0115 983 0608       Email: office@453churches.com

Parish Magazine

We have a parish magazine, ‘Connection’, which is published ten times a year and which is then distributed free to every household in the five villages, as well as further afield.

It contains a thought provoking article from the Rector as well as a wide variety of other articles and features, including news from each village, along with details of our church services. Also featured is our Parish link with Natal in South Africa.

The latest issue as well as the previous three issues can be downloaded as PDF files.

External link to PDF document
(4.8 MB)




External link to PDF document
(4.2 MB)


External link to PDF document
July and August
(3.9 MB)


External link to PDF document
(4.68 MB)


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