Thank you for your generosity
We could not fulfil Jesus' Great Commission without the generosity of so many people who provide their time, talents and financial support to the life and ministry here at The 453 Churches. Regular giving helps us to plan our mission and ministry.
People here in the UK are very happy to give generously to those in need, which is clear from events such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day, and when disasters have struck around the world such as the Boxing Day Tsunami. Christians should be at the forefront of such generous giving, not only of money but also of the other resources that God has given us, such as our time. And part of our Christian responsibility is to invest the resources God gives us for His purposes and for His praise and glory; and to do so generously with thankfulness and joy, and in proportion to our ability.
And so Christians need to consider carefully not only how much to give regularly but also where our money is going. There are many worthy and needy situations, not only in this country, but all over the world. The Bible instructs us to ensure that our immediate responsibility is to our family, and as Christians we have two families — our blood family (either by birth or adoption) and our Church Family, adopted into God’s eternal family. And so in terms of our regular giving the first priority should be our local Church but also to our brothers and sisters around the world who are so often in desperate need. We should give to charities supporting them (Barnabas Fund and Compassion for example) before giving to more general charities such as Oxfam. All of our Churches rely on the regular monies that our members give in order to do the work that we do and to keep our buildings open; we receive no monies from the Diocese or the Government.
In the Old Testament, God called His people to give 10% of their income as their starting point with additional freewill offerings over and above this. In the New Testament however, there is no rule telling us how much but many Christians take the 10% as their starting point. God is more concerned with the motivation behind our giving rather than a specific amount and He longs for us to follow His example. God has generously given us all that we have, both materially and in particular, spiritually through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so we should be motivated to give generously.
How ever much you give, only the Treasurer will have access to the information about your giving. At Gotham, we also have a Gift Aid secretary who will have access to that information for those who are able to Gift Aid their giving.
If you would like more information on financial stewardship including giving and legacies, Graham Grocock, our Treasurer, will be pleased to give you advice and answer any questions you have about our finances. He can be contacted on ☎ 0115 983 0854.
How To Give …
There are a number of ways in which you can give financially.

Bank Transfer
This is the preferred way for our Churches to receive donations, whether one-off or regular, as there are no third party processing fees. If you are eligible, please complete a Gift Aid declaration to enable us to recover another 25% in tax relief for UK taxpayers and make your giving go even further.
You can download our Bank details (500 Kb).
And please do let us know when you have setup a bank transfer donation. Thank you.

Standing Order
If you are not able to setup a regular donation online then please download and fill in our Standing Order form (736 Kb) and either send it on to your bank or hand it to a Churchwarden who will pass it on to the Treasurer. If you are not able to setup a regular donation online then please contact our Treasurer and he will be pleased to send you a Standing Order form for you to fill in. A Gift Aid declaration is included; please complete this if you are eligible. Detach this from the Standing Order form and hand it to a Churchwarden, not to your bank.
And please do let us know when you have sent your Standing Order form to your bank. Thank you.

The Offering
A collection is taken during every Sunday service. All of our Churches rely on the regular monies that our members give in order to do the work that we do and to keep our buildings open. You can give in cash or by cheque (payable to A453 Churches of South Nottinghamshire). If you are eligible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes, available at the back of Church, to enable us to recover another 25% in tax relief for UK taxpayers.

The Envelope Scheme
Under this scheme you are given a supply of small envelopes with your own personal registration number printed on them. Simply place your donation (cash or cheque) in the envelope, seal it, and place this in the collection plate. Again, a Gift Aid declaration will enable you to increase your gift at no cost to yourself, if you are eligible.
Let our Treasurer know that you would like to use the Envelope Scheme. Thank you.
Gift Aid …

As a registered charity, we are able to reclaim basic rate tax (20%) on all donations we receive from you if you are a UK taxpayer. This equates to 25% of the gift you give us out of your taxed income. So, for every £100 you give us, we can claim another £25 from the Government, at no cost to you. This is an important part of the Church’s income.
If you pay UK tax and have not already done so, please download and complete a Gift Aid declaration (500 Kb) or you can fill it in online. If you pay UK tax and have not already done so, please contact our Treasurer to request a Gift Aid declaration. You only need to fill in the form once but if you stop paying tax you will need to tell us.
You will also need to make it clear which Church is to claim Gift Aid, either by crossing out the others or clearly highlighting the name of the Church.
If you have downloaded a form then, once you’ve filled it in, please hand it a Churchwarden, thank you.
Further information about tax and Gift Aid is available on the gov.uk website.
Other ways to give …

Online giving
We are also able to accept online giving by Credit or Debit card. Please be aware that third party processing fees will be deducted from your donation. You can specify which Church is to receive your donation when you specify the amount you would like to give. If you are eligible, then please tick the box for us to be able to claim Gift Aid which will increase your gift by 25% and make your giving go even further.

Text giving
To make a donation simply text the code of the Church and the amount you want to give to ☎ 70085.
- St George, Barton-in-Fabis : 453BART
- St Lawrence, Gotham : 453GOTH
- St Winifred, Kingston-on-Soar : 453KING
- Holy Trinity, Ratcliffe-on-Soar : 453RATC
- All Saints, Thrumpton : 453THRU
So, for example, to donate £10 to Holy Trinity, Ratcliffe you would text “453RATC 10” to 70085.
You can give any amount, from £1 up to £20. Standard message rates apply. And please do ensure you have the bill payer’s permission first.

Legacies — remembering the Church in your Will
Leaving a legacy is a great way of providing financial help to the Church’s mission and ministry. Further details are on our Legacies & Will Aid page. If this is something which you are considering, may we thank you, in advance!
Contact the Treasurer …
Information you submit via this form is stored on the JotForm servers and is then emailed to us. Your personal data will be treated as confidential in line with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations. If you have not received a reply within 7 days then please check your Spam folder; Hotmail accounts seem to be particularly prone to this.
Thank you.
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This page was last updated: 5th November 2021