The leadership of the A453 Churches is made up of Clergy and Lay Ministers who, along with the Churchwardens and Church Council (the P.C.C.), oversee all five of our Churches. Each Church has their own Deputy Churchwardens and representatives on the PCC. Due to its size, Gotham has a Local Management Group (LMG) to help deal with issues local to Gotham.
We also have a Safeguarding Manager who helps to ensure that our Churches implement and comply with our Safeguarding Policy along with two Pastoral Care Coordinators with whom the Rector shares the responsibility for the pastoral care of the Church family and wider community.
Each year a third of the members on the PCC stand down as members and others are elected in their place. To stand for election to the PCC a person needs to be on the Electoral Roll, at least 16 years old, and an actual communicant at that Church. It is also desirable that they be a committed Christian and committed to the life of the Church, known to the Church members, and able to attend a majority of the PCC meetings.
Each year at the Annual Church Meeting, PCC members are elected for a three year term of office, as well as electing members of Deanery Synod (Every 3 years) and the Chuchwardens.
Clergy …
Lay Ministers …

Parish Safeguarding Officer …

Schools Worker …

Pastoral Care Coordinator …